Mushroom & Health
How Specialty Mushrooms Can Benefit You
Unlike the rubber chunks floating in canned soups or inferior products atrophying in mainstream supermarkets, Asia Pacific Farm mushrooms pack a wallop of health benefits.
Though you won’t find any hallucinogenic varieties at APF (one of the first questions people ask) mushrooms are magic. In Asia that statement is understood as validating: fungi have healing attributes and are loaded with properties that enhance health.
Traditional Chinese medicine is not separate from food and chefs understand the health benefits of their dishes. In contrast, Westerners usually plate their food and pop their pills. Not surprising since big pharmaceutical corporations aggressively undermine options to mainstream medicine. As a result, Westerners embrace high-priced prescriptions for a cure, rather than invest in top quality food to prevent disease and manage the condition of their health.
However, top quality mushrooms such as the ones produced at APF not only deliver superior taste, but they also offer well-established health benefits for the people who use them.
Read about the many benefits of APF products in the links on the left.